Types of Therapy

Functional Manual Therapy


Trained and certified specialist in using advanced clinical reasoning to methodically evaluate and treat individuals through a combination of scientific evidence, intuition and developed knowledge from clinical practice. 

Seamlessly transition between mobilization of tissues (joints, soft tissues, viscera and neuromuscular structures), neuromuscular facilitation and motor control timing.

Read more about Functional Manual Therapy here

What do we evaluate?

  • Mechanical components: joints, soft tissue, viscera, neuromuscular components as the relate to limitations and dysfunction in movement and function.
  • Neuromuscular components: proper initiation, strength and endurance of muscles including appropriate automatic core response during movements.
  • Motor control: efficiently use the above components to assume a balanced posture and perform activities efficiently

Functional Dry Needling

  • Uses small needles to deactivate trigger points and loosen shortened muscles
  • Can effect immune, inflammatory, biomechanics, vascular and neurological systems
  • Treats the neuromuscular system based on pain patterns and muscular dysfunction and is driven by physical examination and orthopedic signs and symptoms
  • Not based off training in traditional Chinese medicine
  • Chemical response from needle effects levels of chemicals that are associated with pain
  • Normalization of chemical associated with spontaneous/extra activity of the muscle
  • Primary goal of FDN is to desensitize sensitive structures, restore motion and function and possibly induce a healing response of the tissues by:
    • Obtaining a twitch response
    • Releasing a shortened muscle
    • Produce local inflammation which is necessary to promote healing
    • Neuromuscular “reset” to allow retraining

Pelvic Floor Therapy

The pelvic floor consists of muscles that form a hammock or bowl at the base of the pelvic region in both women and men. The muscles are crucial in supporting our pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, vagina, prostate and rectum), bowel and bladder control, sexual function and core stability.

Dysfunction can be a result of many things. Some common contributors to pelvic floor dysfunction include child birth, trauma, abuse, surgery or infection, poor posture, tailbone fracture or injury, heavy lifting, improper muscle activation or movement patterns.

Pelvic floor therapy is a comprehensive treatment approach much like the treatment of any other area of the body. This includes external and internal release and facilitation of the pelvic floor muscles, joint mobilization, visceral and neural mobilization, muscular retraining, postural training, relaxation exercise, proper lifting  techniques and patient education on strategies to address these issues at home.


What does pelvic floor dysfunction cause?

Urine or bowel issues

Including leakage, pain during, constipation, increased urgency or inability to completely void


Pain in the pelvic region, hips, abdomen, low back, buttocks, tailbone, vagina, scrotum, penis, rectum or surrounding area

Sexual dysfunction

Including pain with penetration or erectile dysfunction

Musculoskeletal issues

Poor posture and core control

Visceral Mobilization

    • We need movement to be healthy and have optimal function. This principle applies to every structure including our organs. Afixation or adhesions to another structure (no matter how small) implies impairment of that tissue on our system.
    • Visceral mobilization (VM) assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunction. It evaluates and treats the dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes, fascia and ligaments. VM increases proprioceptive communication within the body, thereby revitalizing a person and relieving symptoms of pain, dysfunction, and poor posture.
    • Strains in the connective tissue of the viscera can result from surgical scars, adhesions, illness, posture or injury. Tension patterns form through the fascial network deep within the body, creating a cascade of effects far from their sources for which the body will have to compensate. This creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the body must move around and this chronic irritation gives way to functional and structural problems
    • An integrative approach to evaluation and treatment of a patient requires assessment of the structural relationships between the viscera, and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the musculoskeletal system.
    • We need proper visceral mobility during involuntary (ie heart beating or breathing) and voluntary (ie moving our limbs or squatting) movement. To help explain this, let’s look at the diaphragm as an example to how it’s relation to organs effect both involuntary  and voluntary motion:
      • Involuntary visceral movement: Breathing places external forces on our viscera and requires movement of our diaphragm. The diaphragm has direct fascial connections with the liver and the stomach. When we take a deep breath, we are causing the diaphragm to have a push/pull on these organs. Mobility of the organs is required for this to happen.
      • Voluntary visceral movement: When raising our arm over our head, our rib cage elevates and ribs rotate to allow for full, pain free motion. The rib cage is directly attached to the diaphragm and the diaphragm to the organs and therefore, if the diaphragm is bound down to one or multiple organs, our shoulder range of motion to reach over head is compromised.

    Read more about visceral mobilization here

    What does visceral mobilization help with?

    Acute Disorders

    Seatbelt Injuries
    Chest or Abdominal Sports Injuries
    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    Digestive Disorders

    Bloating and Constipation
    Nausea and Acid Reflux
    Swallowing Dysfunctions

    Women's and Men's Health Issues

    Chronic Pelvic Pain
    Fibroids and Cysts
    Bladder Incontinence
    Prostate Dysfunction
    Referred Testicular Pain
    Effects of Menopause

    Musculoskeletal Disorders

    Somatic-Visceral Interactions
    Chronic Spinal Dysfunction
    Headaches and Migraines
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Peripheral Joint Pain
    Neck Pain

    Pain Related to

    Post-operative Scar Tissue
    Post-infection Scar Tissue
    Autonomic Mechanisms

    Pediatric Issues

    Constipation and Gastritis
    Persistent Vomiting
    Vesicoureteral Reflux
    Infant Colic

    Emotional Issues

    Anxiety and Depression
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Neural Mobilization

    • Neural mobilization examines the skull and the spine and its mechanical relationship to the dura (brain and spinal cord) and the nerves. It not only addresses local pain and dysfunction, but also how a restriction within the dura or nerve can effect the rest of the system and our posture. 
    • Connective tissue forms at least 50-90% of the nerve and is very reactive. Every time you have trauma, it creates a reaction on the connective tissue and the function (thereby causing dysfunction). You can change the function of the nerve by changing the pressure through manual treatment. 
    • The nerves need to have good blood supply to function properly. Manual treatment to the nerve also effect blood supply to the nerve and therefore improving it’s function.
    • Nerves have significant elasticity which is important for protection. Loss of elasticity greatly effects the function of the nerve. 
    • There can be local fibrosis (hardening) of a nerve from swelling caused by nerve compression (increased pressure within the nerve). Stretching the nerve directly permits change in intraneural pressure.
    • Manual therapy, as it applies to the treatment of nerves, follows the standard principles of mobility and function. For optimal function nerves must be able to move freely within its surroundings. This freedom of movement is essential for:
      • nerve conduction
      • electromagnetic conduction
      • intraneural blood supply
      • intraneural nerve supply
      • local and systemic responsiveness
    • Effects of neural manipulation: helps remove fixed points that stop the nerve from stretching distally and can even effect the nerve root itself (where it exits the spine)

    What does neural mobilization help with?


    Lower Back Pain & Sciatica
    Headaches & Migraines
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Joint Pain
    Digestive Disorders
    Post-operative Scar Tissue Pain
    Swallowing Dysfunctions
    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
    Whiplash Injuries
    Birth Injuries
    Neuralgia & Neuritis
    Sprains & Traumatic Lesions
    Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injuries

    What I Treat

    Ankle sprains
    Body alignment
    Body work
    Chronic pain
    Disc herniation and sciatica
    Elbow, wrist, hand pain or injuries
    Face pain
    Foot and ankle pain

    Knee pain
    Hip pain
    Low back pain
    Migraines and chronic headaches
    Motor Vehicle Accidents
    Neck pain
    Nerve tension
    Pelvic floor dysfunction
    Pregnancy- pre labor prep, pain with pregnancy and post delivery
    Pre or post surgery
    Performance improvement

    Repetitive stress injuries including tendonitis/tendonosis
    Rib/Thoracic pain
    Sports Injuries
    Scar tissue adhesions
    Shoulder pain
    SI dysfunction
    Visceral mobilization

    Ready to feel your best?

    1515 W Hubbard St.
    Chicago, IL 60642

    4880 Library Rd
    Bethel Park, PA 15102